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Licking County Computer Society Application Forms

The following PDF forms can be printed out and used for paying membership dues.

Licking County Computer Society New Member Application Form

Licking County Computer Society Renewal Application Form

Licking County Computer Society Student Member Application Form

In order to simply records for both membership and treasury, LCCS has moved (effective Feb. 2009) to a unified membership renewal date.  Effective immediately, memberships will run from July 1st through the following June 30th.  New memberships will be pro-rated on a quarterly scale.  Some new members will pay a little more for their dues, and some will pay a little less.  All renewals will be for the full year.

We have four membership categories:  Individual, Couples, Families, and Student.  The "Individual" membership is for any individual that wants to be active in our society.  The Individual has full voting rights and can hold offices.  The "Couples" membership is for two adults living in the same household.  Both of them have full voting rights and both can hold offices.  The "Student" membership is for someone 14 years or older that is enrolled in a public or private school (middle school/junior high through college).  Students must indicate which school they are attending and following graduation must renew under the "Individual" category.  The student has full voting rights and can hold offices as well.  The "Family" membership is for two adults and all their children under 14 years of age, living in the same household.  The adult members have full voting rights and can hold offices, but the children do not have voting rights or nor can they hold offices.  However, they are able to come to all LCCS functions.

If you have any questions, please e-mail the
Membership Chair .


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